The hidden energy costs of cell phones


Photo credit: Untitled by Johan Larsson

We might think the most consequential thing that could happen with regard to our phones is losing it. However, the energy use and emissions attributable to technology is anything but inconsequential.


Photo credit: Powerplant by Wladimir Labelkovsky

As smartphone and computer use has grown, data center energy use has grown as well. Data centers are the backbone of the Internet, providing storage and other computing services that are needed. Data centers account for 2% of U.S. electricity use and 2% of global carbon dioxide emissions!

If you look closely at your electricity bills, you might find that charging your cell phone requires just 3.8kWh a year (only 47 cents!). However, it takes 278kWh to make your cellphone. If you add it all up manufacturing 4 cellphones requires the same energy as manufacturing one car!

The energy we use in our daily lives isn’t always obvious. It’s definitely something we all should consider before we line up to buy the next iPhone.