Traveling Smarter…and Greener


airplane by sigmama

I am getting ready to travel home for a friend’s wedding. I grew up and went to college in the Midwest, but now live on the West Coast. That means, unfortunately, going home requires a cross-country flight.

While I can’t wait to be back home, I’m not looking forward to that flight. Not only do I have to deal with airport security, but flying is an incredibly greenhouse gas intensive means of travel. A round trip flight from Los Angeles to New York for one person will results in nearly 2 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. The average American is responsible for 17 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year.  Just one flight across the country will eat up over 10% of the carbon footprint of the average American (not to mention that the average American carbon footprint is already higher than it should be!).

So I was happy to see last week that the New York Times posted several articles (here and here) with tips for greener travels.

I will definitely be incorporating some of these tips on my upcoming trip!

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